Calling all Military.... 2010 Scion Holiday Mail Drop! Free Holiday Gift to those Serving from Scion!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 •

If you or someone you know is Active Duty or Reserves, follow the link HERE to request a complimentary  holiday gift from Scion! For limited time, through the holidays or until the gifts run out, Scion will send out holiday gifts to military members who are serving; whether you are stationed stateside or overseas!
This is Scion's thank you to the military for all of their dedicated service!

 A Note from Scion:
We've put a box of Scion gear together with you in mind. We realize it isn't much compared to what you've given but we want to thank you for your support as you serve our country.
Scion Care Packages include some choice Scion swag like beanies, a deck of cards and a complimentary hour of Internet access - exclusively for U.S. Military personnel only. Just fill out the request form below and we'll send one your way.
One care package per person every 12 months, please. Availability is limited - so step to it!